That’s part of the problem, not part of the solution. If evolution is optimising for genetic fitness, then it is not optimising for the ability to achieve a correct ontology … after all , a wrong but predictive model is good enough for survival.
In many ways this is the crux of things. The problem of the criterion does mean that we can’t ground knowledge in the ways we had hoped to, and that we can still ground knowledge, just in something quite a bit different from the objective: namely, in some practical purpose to which we use knowledge.
In many ways this is the crux of things. The problem of the criterion does mean that we can’t ground knowledge in the ways we had hoped to, and that we can still ground knowledge, just in something quite a bit different from the objective: namely, in some practical purpose to which we use knowledge.
But that still doesn’t give us ontological knowledge, if we ever wanted it: we have to settle for less.