IMHO if anthropics worked that way and if the LHC really were a world-killer, you’d find yourself in a world where we had the propensity not to build the LHC, not one where we happened not to build one due to a string of improbable coincidences.
Incorrect reasoning; every branching compatible with sentient organisms contains sentient organisms monitoring its conditions.
The organisms that are in branchings in which LHC facilities were built perceive themselves to be in such a world, no matter how improbable it is. It doesn’t matter if it’s quite unlikely for you to win a lottery—if you do win a lottery, you’ll eventually accumulate enough data to conclude that’s precisely what’s happened.
The organisms that are in branchings in which LHC facilities were built perceive themselves to be in such a world, no matter how improbable it is. It doesn’t matter if it’s quite unlikely for you to win a lottery—if you do win a lottery, you’ll eventually accumulate enough data to conclude that’s precisely what’s happened.