An Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma variant I’ve been thinking about —
There is a pool of players, who may be running various strategies. The number of rounds played is randomly determined. On each round, players are matched randomly, and play a one-shot PD. On the second and subsequent rounds, each player is informed of its opponent’s previous moves; but players have no information about what move was played against them last round, nor whether they have played the same opponent before.
In other words, as a player you know your current opponent’s move history — but you don’t know whom they were playing those moves against; and you don’t know what your score is looking like, either.
If you’re playing with a pool of TFT bots, it’s going to seem the same as if you were playing against a single TFT bot. TFT judges you on your previous move, regardless of whom you were playing.
But defecting against CooperateBot or DefectBot doesn’t look so good if your next opponent predicts you based on your defection, and doesn’t know you were up against a bot.
An Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma variant I’ve been thinking about —
There is a pool of players, who may be running various strategies. The number of rounds played is randomly determined. On each round, players are matched randomly, and play a one-shot PD. On the second and subsequent rounds, each player is informed of its opponent’s previous moves; but players have no information about what move was played against them last round, nor whether they have played the same opponent before.
In other words, as a player you know your current opponent’s move history — but you don’t know whom they were playing those moves against; and you don’t know what your score is looking like, either.
If you’re playing with a pool of TFT bots, it’s going to seem the same as if you were playing against a single TFT bot. TFT judges you on your previous move, regardless of whom you were playing.
But defecting against CooperateBot or DefectBot doesn’t look so good if your next opponent predicts you based on your defection, and doesn’t know you were up against a bot.