He talks about how Eliezer is a person who managed to access many anti memes that slid right off our heads.
What is an anti meme you might ask?
Anti meme
By their very nature they resist being known or integrated into your world model. You struggle to remember them. Just like how memes are sticky, and go viral anti memes are slippery and struggle to gain traction.
They could be extraordinarily boring. They could be facts about yourself that your ego protects you from really grasping. Facts about human nature that cause cognitive dissonance because it contradicts existing beliefs you hold dear.
Insights that are anti memes are hard to communicate. You need to use fables, narratives, embody the idea into a story and convey the vibe. You use metaphors in the story.
Jokes or humor is a great way to communicate anti memes, especially ones that are socially awkward and outside people’s overton window.
Then Connor gives the example of this post—Death with Dignity as an example of an anti meme. Most of those reading the post seem to completely miss the actual point even when it was clearly spelled out.
I highly recommend people watch Connor talk about his interpretation of this post.
He talks about how Eliezer is a person who managed to access many anti memes that slid right off our heads.
What is an anti meme you might ask?
Anti meme
By their very nature they resist being known or integrated into your world model. You struggle to remember them. Just like how memes are sticky, and go viral anti memes are slippery and struggle to gain traction.
They could be extraordinarily boring. They could be facts about yourself that your ego protects you from really grasping. Facts about human nature that cause cognitive dissonance because it contradicts existing beliefs you hold dear.
Insights that are anti memes are hard to communicate. You need to use fables, narratives, embody the idea into a story and convey the vibe. You use metaphors in the story.
Jokes or humor is a great way to communicate anti memes, especially ones that are socially awkward and outside people’s overton window.
Then Connor gives the example of this post—Death with Dignity as an example of an anti meme. Most of those reading the post seem to completely miss the actual point even when it was clearly spelled out.