Reading this post reminds me of my standard online heuristic: just because someone is spending a lot of effort writing about you, does not mean that it is worth a minute of your time to read it.
(This is of course a subset of the general heuristic that most writing has nothing worth reading in it; but it bears keeping in mind that this doesn’t change when the writing is about you.)
Yeah, I am not even sure what was the point of the article. What is the thing we are supposed to update about? Writing in a different style, or changing our opinions (about what exactly?), or finding completely new topics to talk about so that we are not boring the article author, or...?
Reading this post reminds me of my standard online heuristic: just because someone is spending a lot of effort writing about you, does not mean that it is worth a minute of your time to read it.
(This is of course a subset of the general heuristic that most writing has nothing worth reading in it; but it bears keeping in mind that this doesn’t change when the writing is about you.)
Yeah, I am not even sure what was the point of the article. What is the thing we are supposed to update about? Writing in a different style, or changing our opinions (about what exactly?), or finding completely new topics to talk about so that we are not boring the article author, or...?