Meetup : Utrecht: Behavioural economics, game theory...
Discussion article for the meetup : Utrecht: Behavioural economics, game theory...
In the this meetup we will discuss more rationality-related topics, like behavioral economics and game theory. Sjoerd, who used to be a PhD student in these areas will give a little intro. Marius can share some thoughts on goal factoring with us, which he recently learned at a CFAR workshop. (Notes on goal factoring from another LW meetup:
If you would like, you can add more discussion topics here:
We’re moving to Cafe de Zaak, which is more quiet and we can bring own food or order in from other places (last time we got kind of hungry). It’s around the corner from De Winkel van Sinkel, where we were the last times. Food is a little pricy there. In case de Zaak is too crowded we will just walk over. If you have trouble finding us you can call me at 0684140766.
Everyone is invited, and new people will be warmly welcomed! We are particularly interested in the experiences of the people that attend the European Community weekend in Berlin!
Just FYI: We’ve got a meetup group and a facebook group.