until rank madness is being paraded as the only acceptable alternative. Anything else would be surrender to the unpersons.
Yep. This is called a “holiness spiral”.
After a few iterations the system is at nonsense levels
That’s an interesting moment because the system has to continue functioning in some way. So at this point it usually turns out that some animals are more equal than others and that the draconian measures are actually to be applied at the discretion of powers-that-be. The consequences are left as the exercise for the reader :-/
Yep. This is called a “holiness spiral”.
That’s an interesting moment because the system has to continue functioning in some way. So at this point it usually turns out that some animals are more equal than others and that the draconian measures are actually to be applied at the discretion of powers-that-be. The consequences are left as the exercise for the reader :-/