Actually I really appreciate that suggestion! I hadn’t considered it. I always appreciate recommendations!
It may also be useful so that I rub my eyes less. My optometrist said to avoid that since I’m losing my 3D perception.
As of the end of the sentence, I intend to look up capsaicin and similarly purposed agents, and the appropriate dosage and application. Then I’ll look up safety considerations if the information is indicative, and availability.
Have you considered coating your fingers with capsaicin to make scratching your mucus membrances immediately painful?
(Apologies if this advice is unwanted—I have not experienced anything similar, and am just spitballing).
Actually I really appreciate that suggestion! I hadn’t considered it. I always appreciate recommendations!
It may also be useful so that I rub my eyes less. My optometrist said to avoid that since I’m losing my 3D perception.
As of the end of the sentence, I intend to look up capsaicin and similarly purposed agents, and the appropriate dosage and application. Then I’ll look up safety considerations if the information is indicative, and availability.
Oh, dear. Please don’t try this at home. You’re likely to end up with a pain rating of 10 on this guy’s scale.