Actually I really appreciate that suggestion! I hadn’t considered it. I always appreciate recommendations!
It may also be useful so that I rub my eyes less. My optometrist said to avoid that since I’m losing my 3D perception.
As of the end of the sentence, I intend to look up capsaicin and similarly purposed agents, and the appropriate dosage and application. Then I’ll look up safety considerations if the information is indicative, and availability.
Actually I really appreciate that suggestion! I hadn’t considered it. I always appreciate recommendations!
It may also be useful so that I rub my eyes less. My optometrist said to avoid that since I’m losing my 3D perception.
As of the end of the sentence, I intend to look up capsaicin and similarly purposed agents, and the appropriate dosage and application. Then I’ll look up safety considerations if the information is indicative, and availability.