Take for example a Babylonian mathematician. If you traveled back in time and were to accelerate his thinking a million times, would he discover place-value notation to encode numbers in a few days? I doubt it. Even if he was to digest all the knowledge of his time in a few minutes, I just don’t see him coming up with quantum physics after a short period of time.
I suspect that he would invent place-value notation or something similar within a few “days.” Remember that a “day” at 1 million times speedup is over 2 millennia. Now, there are clearly some difficulties in testing what an isolated human produces in 2300 years, but we could look at cases of hermits who left civilization for periods of years or decades. Did any of them come up with revolutionary ideas? If the answer is yes in a decade or two, it is almost certain that a human at 1,000,000x speedup would have several such insights (assuming that such a speedup doesn’t result in insanity). I can’t imagine the mathematician coming up with quantum mechanics, but that could easily be a failure of my 1x speed brain.
I suspect that he would invent place-value notation or something similar within a few “days.” Remember that a “day” at 1 million times speedup is over 2 millennia. Now, there are clearly some difficulties in testing what an isolated human produces in 2300 years, but we could look at cases of hermits who left civilization for periods of years or decades. Did any of them come up with revolutionary ideas? If the answer is yes in a decade or two, it is almost certain that a human at 1,000,000x speedup would have several such insights (assuming that such a speedup doesn’t result in insanity). I can’t imagine the mathematician coming up with quantum mechanics, but that could easily be a failure of my 1x speed brain.