I know no programming whatsoever- I’m because I figure that the problem of Friendly AI going way off-key has no comparable analogue in this case because it involves different facts.
A hypothetical AI programmed to run a paperclip factory, as compared to one designed to fulfil the role LessWrong grants Friendly AI, would:
-Not need any recursive intelligence enhancement, and probably not need upgrading
-Be able to discard massive numbers of functions regarding a lot of understanding of both humans and other matters
Less functions means less to program, which means less chance of glitches or other errors. Without intelligence enhancement the odds of an unfriendly outcome are greatly reduced. Therefore, the odds of a paperclip factory AI becoming a threat to humanity is far smaller than a Friendly AI.
A hypothetical AI programmed to run a paperclip factory
That is not what is meant around here by “paperclip maximiser”. A true clippy does not run a factory; it transmutes the total mass of the solar system into paperclips, starting with humans and ending with the computer it runs on. (With the possible exception of some rockets containing enough computing power to repeat the process on other suns.) That is what it means to maximise something.
Right. Which is why you just proposed a solution which is, in itself, AI-complete; you have not in fact reduced the problem. This aside, which of the desires of the human do you intend to fulfil? I desire chocolate, I also desire not to get fat. Solve for the equilibrium.
The desires implied in the orders given- interpreting desires by likely meaning. I didn’t intend to reduce the problem in any way, but make the point (albeit poorly as it turned out) that the example used was far less of a risk than the much better example of an actual attempt at Friendly AI.
An entire Sequence exists precisely for the purpose of showing that “just write an AI that takes orders” is not sufficient as a solution to this problem. “Likely meaning” is not translatable into computer code at the present state of knowledge, and what’s more, it wouldn’t even be sufficient if it were. You’ve left out the implicit “likely intended constraints”. If I say “get some chocolate”, you understand that I mean “if possible, within the constraint of not using an immense amount of resources, provided no higher-priority project intervenes, without killing anyone or breaking any laws except ones that are contextually ok to break such as coming to a full, not rolling, stop at stop signs, and actually, if I’m on a diet maybe you ought to remind me of the fact and suggest a healthier snack, and even if I’m not on a diet but ought to be, then a gentle suggestion to this effect is appropriate in some but not all circumstances...” Getting all that implicit stuff into code is exactly the problem of Friendly AI. “Likely meaning” just doesn’t cover it, and even so we can’t even solve that problem.
I thought it was clear that:
A- For Friendly A.I, I meant modelling a human via a direct simulation of a human brain (or at least the relevant parts) idealised in such a way as to give the results we would want
A: What is the difference between this, and just asking the human brain in the first place? The whole point of the problem is that humans do not, actually, know what we want in full generality. You might as well implement a chess computer by putting a human inside it and asking, at every ply, “Do you think this looks like a winning position?” If you could solve the problem that way you wouldn’t need an AI!
I know no programming whatsoever- I’m because I figure that the problem of Friendly AI going way off-key has no comparable analogue in this case because it involves different facts.
Then what basis do you have for thinking that a particular programming task is simple?
A hypothetical AI programmed to run a paperclip factory, as compared to one designed to fulfil the role LessWrong grants Friendly AI, would: -Not need any recursive intelligence enhancement, and probably not need upgrading -Be able to discard massive numbers of functions regarding a lot of understanding of both humans and other matters
Less functions means less to program, which means less chance of glitches or other errors. Without intelligence enhancement the odds of an unfriendly outcome are greatly reduced. Therefore, the odds of a paperclip factory AI becoming a threat to humanity is far smaller than a Friendly AI.
That is not what is meant around here by “paperclip maximiser”. A true clippy does not run a factory; it transmutes the total mass of the solar system into paperclips, starting with humans and ending with the computer it runs on. (With the possible exception of some rockets containing enough computing power to repeat the process on other suns.) That is what it means to maximise something.
Right. Which is why you just proposed a solution which is, in itself, AI-complete; you have not in fact reduced the problem. This aside, which of the desires of the human do you intend to fulfil? I desire chocolate, I also desire not to get fat. Solve for the equilibrium.
The desires implied in the orders given- interpreting desires by likely meaning. I didn’t intend to reduce the problem in any way, but make the point (albeit poorly as it turned out) that the example used was far less of a risk than the much better example of an actual attempt at Friendly AI.
An entire Sequence exists precisely for the purpose of showing that “just write an AI that takes orders” is not sufficient as a solution to this problem. “Likely meaning” is not translatable into computer code at the present state of knowledge, and what’s more, it wouldn’t even be sufficient if it were. You’ve left out the implicit “likely intended constraints”. If I say “get some chocolate”, you understand that I mean “if possible, within the constraint of not using an immense amount of resources, provided no higher-priority project intervenes, without killing anyone or breaking any laws except ones that are contextually ok to break such as coming to a full, not rolling, stop at stop signs, and actually, if I’m on a diet maybe you ought to remind me of the fact and suggest a healthier snack, and even if I’m not on a diet but ought to be, then a gentle suggestion to this effect is appropriate in some but not all circumstances...” Getting all that implicit stuff into code is exactly the problem of Friendly AI. “Likely meaning” just doesn’t cover it, and even so we can’t even solve that problem.
I thought it was clear that: A- For Friendly A.I, I meant modelling a human via a direct simulation of a human brain (or at least the relevant parts) idealised in such a way as to give the results we would want B- I DID NOT INTEND TO REDUCE THE PROBLEM.
A: What is the difference between this, and just asking the human brain in the first place? The whole point of the problem is that humans do not, actually, know what we want in full generality. You might as well implement a chess computer by putting a human inside it and asking, at every ply, “Do you think this looks like a winning position?” If you could solve the problem that way you wouldn’t need an AI!
B: Then what was the point of your post?