Ability to teach what you already know to people who are paying attention is certainly a trainable skill.
Ability to learn specific cases within a given field is almost certainly a trainable skill; with the common elements tucked away in long-term memory, there’s more short-term memory available for whatever makes the specific case unusual.
Ability and willingness to pay attention is probably a trainable skill, with other limiting factors.
Fully-generalized ability to learn is… difficult to disentangle from general intelligence. The big gains so far in general intelligence seem to be either genetic, or a matter of removing penalties like malnutrition and lead poisoning. If we had a proven, generalized way to learn how to learn faster, iterating it would pretty much be the Singularity.
Ability to teach what you already know to people who are paying attention is certainly a trainable skill.
Ability to learn specific cases within a given field is almost certainly a trainable skill; with the common elements tucked away in long-term memory, there’s more short-term memory available for whatever makes the specific case unusual.
Ability and willingness to pay attention is probably a trainable skill, with other limiting factors.
Fully-generalized ability to learn is… difficult to disentangle from general intelligence. The big gains so far in general intelligence seem to be either genetic, or a matter of removing penalties like malnutrition and lead poisoning. If we had a proven, generalized way to learn how to learn faster, iterating it would pretty much be the Singularity.