In itself, treating your relatives nicely because they’re family doesn’t seem to sound too bad; it sounds like the obvious and natural thing everybody would do. The problem I have with it is that it means you’re intentionally treating everybody else less nicely because they’re not family, which to me is a very weak reason to withhold your good will. When taken to the field of real-life decisions, it takes the form of nepotism, which can be seen as bigotry against the entire rest of humanity.
In itself, treating your relatives nicely because they’re family doesn’t seem to sound too bad; it sounds like the obvious and natural thing everybody would do. The problem I have with it is that it means you’re intentionally treating everybody else less nicely because they’re not family, which to me is a very weak reason to withhold your good will. When taken to the field of real-life decisions, it takes the form of nepotism, which can be seen as bigotry against the entire rest of humanity.