Thinking of the prisoners-dilemma-with-access-to-sourcecode, an obvious strategy would be to allocate negentropy to agents that would employ the same strategy in proportion to the probability that they would have ended up in the position to allocate the universe’s negentropy.
Presumably “employ the same strategy” should be interpreted loosely, as it seems problematic to give no consideration to agents who would use a slightly different allocation strategy.
Thinking of the prisoners-dilemma-with-access-to-sourcecode, an obvious strategy would be to allocate negentropy to agents that would employ the same strategy in proportion to the probability that they would have ended up in the position to allocate the universe’s negentropy.
Presumably “employ the same strategy” should be interpreted loosely, as it seems problematic to give no consideration to agents who would use a slightly different allocation strategy.
Thanks for the idea. I will look into it.