Well, in other forums he suggested that women have systematically less intelligence than men. So I guess that to him women are not much more than domestic animals.
I don’t think the second sentence follows from the first. Children certainly have less intelligence than adults, yet we shouldn’t treat children as animals.
Well children are both less intelligent than adults, and non-autonomous, in that they have no choice over whether they go to school etc., so I think my comparison still stands.
I also don’t think that someone or some group having below-average intelligence means they are sub-human.
Also, does AA think that women have less general intelligence, or that they are less good specifically at STEM subjects? Because a lot of scientists do think that there are cognitive differences, but balanced, in that women have higher verbal & empathising intelligence.
I don’t think the second sentence follows from the first. Children certainly have less intelligence than adults, yet we shouldn’t treat children as animals.
(Not that I agree with the first sentence)
Not per se, it follows from the first sentence and NancyLebovitz comment on him denying women autonomy.
This sentence is weird to me because I was not talking about what I think is right or how to steelman aa’s thought.
Anyway, consider these:
he believes that fully formed females have less intelligence than males;
he attributes the difference to a systematic genetic trait;
that he thinks women should be denied autonomy on a basic right.
How would you call the status of a sub-human non-autonomous being? Domestic or friendly animal seems to me quite precise.
Well children are both less intelligent than adults, and non-autonomous, in that they have no choice over whether they go to school etc., so I think my comparison still stands.
I also don’t think that someone or some group having below-average intelligence means they are sub-human.
Also, does AA think that women have less general intelligence, or that they are less good specifically at STEM subjects? Because a lot of scientists do think that there are cognitive differences, but balanced, in that women have higher verbal & empathising intelligence.
I don’t remember aa saying anything one way or the other about women’s intelligence vs. men’s.
Not here, in another forum. Quoting verbatim (regarding the ability to think abstractly):
“Women generally either lack, or fail to develop, that ability, so they don’t think about right and wrong in the way men do.”