Just because it’s in-tribe doesn’t mean it’s not spammy.
Taboo “spammy”?
Consider the position that users should upvote material they see as high-value and downvote material they see as low-value, regardless of whether the material is an advertisement. If an ad is good and it’s delivering value to people, seems silly to censor it. (In this case, this post’s high score suggests that on balance many think it’s helping them achieve their values.) If it’s a bad advertisement, downvote it like you would downvote any post you dislike. If it’s actual spam (a non-targeted advertisement from a non-community-member that’s highly unlikely to create significant value and creates perverse incentives for further such ads if not censored), then yeah, censor it.
I’d much rather have a blanket ban on advertising than allow anyone to prosthelytize for their favorite charity.
Hm, personally I see effective altruism as a core LW topic and discussion of which charities to donate to, including persuasive writing, seems very on topic to me.
Taboo “spammy”?
Consider the position that users should upvote material they see as high-value and downvote material they see as low-value, regardless of whether the material is an advertisement. If an ad is good and it’s delivering value to people, seems silly to censor it. (In this case, this post’s high score suggests that on balance many think it’s helping them achieve their values.) If it’s a bad advertisement, downvote it like you would downvote any post you dislike. If it’s actual spam (a non-targeted advertisement from a non-community-member that’s highly unlikely to create significant value and creates perverse incentives for further such ads if not censored), then yeah, censor it.
Hm, personally I see effective altruism as a core LW topic and discussion of which charities to donate to, including persuasive writing, seems very on topic to me.