AFAIK, the Triple Nine Society mainly just puts out a bimonthly magazine as pdfs. Surprisingly, I couldn’t find an archive of those. They have a few at their site. It was only $10 to join for a year. I joined and let it lapse. I don’t have anything bad to say about it, but it obviously did not interest me enough to return, and I had forgotten about it for years since.
Wikipedia says they have a facebook group and a linked in group, but they also say two yahoo groups, and and I know yahoo canceled yahoo groups, so that page isn’t up to date.
Is anyone from LW part of a high IQ society that’s more exclusive than Mensa? Can you tell us what it’s like?
AFAIK, the Triple Nine Society mainly just puts out a bimonthly magazine as pdfs. Surprisingly, I couldn’t find an archive of those. They have a few at their site. It was only $10 to join for a year. I joined and let it lapse. I don’t have anything bad to say about it, but it obviously did not interest me enough to return, and I had forgotten about it for years since.
Wikipedia says they have a facebook group and a linked in group, but they also say two yahoo groups, and and I know yahoo canceled yahoo groups, so that page isn’t up to date.