An uncomputable universe doesnt have to be a computable universe with an oracle bolted on. For instance, a universe containing an SI has to be uncomputable.
An uncomputable universe doesnt have to be a spooky.
Classical physics isn’t exactly computable, because some systems are critically dependent on their initial conditions, and an exact specification of the initial conditions requires an infinite amount of information (unlimited precision real number). The supposedly weird theiry of quantum mechanics is more computable than the supposedly intuitive theory of classical physics.
An uncomputable universe doesnt have to be a computable universe with an oracle bolted on. For instance, a universe containing an SI has to be uncomputable.
Sure, that’s just an example. But SI can be computed by an oracle machine, so it’s a sufficiently general example.
An uncomputable universe doesnt have to be a computable universe with an oracle bolted on. For instance, a universe containing an SI has to be uncomputable.
An uncomputable universe doesnt have to be a spooky. Classical physics isn’t exactly computable, because some systems are critically dependent on their initial conditions, and an exact specification of the initial conditions requires an infinite amount of information (unlimited precision real number). The supposedly weird theiry of quantum mechanics is more computable than the supposedly intuitive theory of classical physics.
Sure, that’s just an example. But SI can be computed by an oracle machine, so it’s a sufficiently general example.