I’d imagine female homosexuality should have a similar effect.
Except that … how to put this delicately? Historically, men who would prefer not to have sex with women have been more likely to get their way than women who would prefer not to have sex with men.
Additionally, a woman can choose to have sex just for procreation, whereas a man has to be attracted to the woman, or otherwise he won’t be able to perform.
Except that … how to put this delicately? Historically, men who would prefer not to have sex with women have been more likely to get their way than women who would prefer not to have sex with men.
Perhaps in a matriarchal society having a man that belongs to no woman would provide some benefit for women who could not get a mate otherwise?
Additionally, a woman can choose to have sex just for procreation, whereas a man has to be attracted to the woman, or otherwise he won’t be able to perform.