The only way of getting through the inherent issues of the question would be to say that they “you” that gets the billion dollar is an exact copy of the you before the week of torture and not an extension of the person that’s through the week of experiencing torture.
Exactly. Whether I’m prepared to sacrifice the copy of me that suffers thru the week of hell depends on the amount of empathy I have for the other me. Or how my ultility claculation comes out. Like in the Branches of the tree of time where the protagonists sacrifice their clones from differnt timelines to rescue the important timeline.
I think if we rephrase the scenario to be slightly more plausible and familiar, it will become clearer to people:
Imagine that some eccentric millionaire approaches you with the following deal: she will give you a million dollars if:
You agree to go to a dentist and undergo a root canal operation without anesthesia (nevermind the fact that you probably don’t need a root canal), BUT:
You DO get to have a heaping dose of Versed, which, while it won’t dull the pain during the operation, will prevent you from remembering anything about it after the fact.
Would you take the million dollars and do the operation? I would!
Now, as to the question of whether the person undergoing the root canal operation is the real me, I would say, YES! I will experience it. Now, is the copy of the pre-operation me that gets restored after the operation also me? I say YES! I will also experience that body.
Ultimately, the deciding factor for me ends up being the fact that the root canal will only take an hour or two of extreme pain, but the million dollars will bring me enjoyment for far longer. The fact that I won’t remember the root canal operation does nothing to influence my estimation of how bad the root canal operation will be. The fact that I won’t remember the root canal operation only changes my estimation of how pleasant the post-root canal experience will be (because I will know that I won’t be haunted by nightmares of root canal pain while I am enjoying my million dollars).
Even though the memory of the root canal operation will cease to exist for me at some point, the experience still factors into my overall calculations of utility. It’s just that normal events that we remember factor into our calculations of utility in two discrete terms: how nice/bad they are in the moment + how nice/bad their memory after-effects are. In the case of amnesia, you are just lopping off the right hand side of that sum.
Would you take the million dollars and do the operation?
Sure. But that is strictly a different—and much less extreme—though experiment than the former.
I wouldn’t treat the narcotized me as a different person. There is a lot of continuity in this szenario. And a lot of real-life risks and consequences too.
Okay...but why wouldn’t you treat the narcotized you as a different person, but you would treat the memory-erased you as a different person in the other scenario? Is this not being inconsistent? The same thing is being done in both scenarios—your memory is being erased—but by different means.
I am not just my memory. My identity and being is closely entangled with my life, my environment, the people I interact with, the physical effects on me and my body. Everything that has an effect on my future self basically (weighted by causal distance or something).
And the scenarios differ in that: The branch Omega tortures has practically no causal effect on my future self after the week (except my absence for a week, which is a comparatively small effect given that many people leave their home for muh longer times without much effect).
The millionaire on the other hand may plausibly have a much more stronger effect. At least that is how I model it. Part of it surely is that the Omega example is constructed to have no other effects—thus I assume all other lfe-entangement-effects to be small. Whereas for the millionaire example all my caveats regarding humans proposing deals apply.
Exactly. Whether I’m prepared to sacrifice the copy of me that suffers thru the week of hell depends on the amount of empathy I have for the other me. Or how my ultility claculation comes out. Like in the Branches of the tree of time where the protagonists sacrifice their clones from differnt timelines to rescue the important timeline.
I think if we rephrase the scenario to be slightly more plausible and familiar, it will become clearer to people:
Imagine that some eccentric millionaire approaches you with the following deal: she will give you a million dollars if: You agree to go to a dentist and undergo a root canal operation without anesthesia (nevermind the fact that you probably don’t need a root canal), BUT: You DO get to have a heaping dose of Versed, which, while it won’t dull the pain during the operation, will prevent you from remembering anything about it after the fact.
Would you take the million dollars and do the operation? I would!
Now, as to the question of whether the person undergoing the root canal operation is the real me, I would say, YES! I will experience it. Now, is the copy of the pre-operation me that gets restored after the operation also me? I say YES! I will also experience that body.
Ultimately, the deciding factor for me ends up being the fact that the root canal will only take an hour or two of extreme pain, but the million dollars will bring me enjoyment for far longer. The fact that I won’t remember the root canal operation does nothing to influence my estimation of how bad the root canal operation will be. The fact that I won’t remember the root canal operation only changes my estimation of how pleasant the post-root canal experience will be (because I will know that I won’t be haunted by nightmares of root canal pain while I am enjoying my million dollars).
Even though the memory of the root canal operation will cease to exist for me at some point, the experience still factors into my overall calculations of utility. It’s just that normal events that we remember factor into our calculations of utility in two discrete terms: how nice/bad they are in the moment + how nice/bad their memory after-effects are. In the case of amnesia, you are just lopping off the right hand side of that sum.
Sure. But that is strictly a different—and much less extreme—though experiment than the former. I wouldn’t treat the narcotized me as a different person. There is a lot of continuity in this szenario. And a lot of real-life risks and consequences too.
Okay...but why wouldn’t you treat the narcotized you as a different person, but you would treat the memory-erased you as a different person in the other scenario? Is this not being inconsistent? The same thing is being done in both scenarios—your memory is being erased—but by different means.
I am not just my memory. My identity and being is closely entangled with my life, my environment, the people I interact with, the physical effects on me and my body. Everything that has an effect on my future self basically (weighted by causal distance or something).
And the scenarios differ in that: The branch Omega tortures has practically no causal effect on my future self after the week (except my absence for a week, which is a comparatively small effect given that many people leave their home for muh longer times without much effect).
The millionaire on the other hand may plausibly have a much more stronger effect. At least that is how I model it. Part of it surely is that the Omega example is constructed to have no other effects—thus I assume all other lfe-entangement-effects to be small. Whereas for the millionaire example all my caveats regarding humans proposing deals apply.