On the subject of saving lives—while this is off topic, I feel it would be an interesting debate what to do with Heaven and Hell in a world where they demonstrably existed, and we had objective evidence for what would land people in either. I’m tempted to say that it would make sense for it to be left to personal choice to knowingly do things that would result in you going to Hell, but I haven’t really given that issue much thought before you mentioned it. Hmm.
On the subject of saving lives—while this is off topic, I feel it would be an interesting debate what to do with Heaven and Hell in a world where they demonstrably existed, and we had objective evidence for what would land people in either. I’m tempted to say that it would make sense for it to be left to personal choice to knowingly do things that would result in you going to Hell, but I haven’t really given that issue much thought before you mentioned it. Hmm.
The new Iain M. Banks “Culture” novel Surface Detail is a fictional exploration of real Hells that some societies send people to.