Some ideas are clearly associated with specific genders. To use one obvious example, ask people if they think of “war” as masculine or feminine. I’m pretty sure that most will answer masculine. I suspect that some form of Stroop interference test could quantify this more narrowly. Also, some words in English simply sound close to masculine names while other sound similar to feminine names, and I suspect that you’d get similar associations due to spreading activation.
Some ideas are clearly associated with specific genders. To use one obvious example, ask people if they think of “war” as masculine or feminine. I’m pretty sure that most will answer masculine. I suspect that some form of Stroop interference test could quantify this more narrowly. Also, some words in English simply sound close to masculine names while other sound similar to feminine names, and I suspect that you’d get similar associations due to spreading activation.
Most people only think of war as masculine or feminine when asked, with the exception of traditionalists who might see it as “manly”.