People have access to different sets of information (particularly in non-regulated markets), come to the table with different priors, and have very different time preferences. individual investor estimates are therefore all over the map and often time dependent, which is why there is any trade at all (if everyone felt the same way and never changed their minds, the market would quickly stabilize and the volume drop to zero). For these reasons it’s fallacious to try to aggregate and extrapolate estimations of future value from current market prices.
People have access to different sets of information (particularly in non-regulated markets), come to the table with different priors, and have very different time preferences. individual investor estimates are therefore all over the map and often time dependent, which is why there is any trade at all (if everyone felt the same way and never changed their minds, the market would quickly stabilize and the volume drop to zero). For these reasons it’s fallacious to try to aggregate and extrapolate estimations of future value from current market prices.