A few dozen although I’m burning through it quickly. I make my living paid in bitcoin (I’m a bitcoin-core developer living off donations) so that isn’t so much an investment as my current runway. Since I don’t think any ETF will get online until Summer at the earliest, and my runway isn’t that long, I doubt that I’ll make much money off the rise. Assuming I keep getting donations, it’ll be just a few months float at the most.
Better than even odds or I wouldn’t have said it. Any more precision than that would be intellectual dishonesty.
How much Bitcoin do you own?
A few dozen although I’m burning through it quickly. I make my living paid in bitcoin (I’m a bitcoin-core developer living off donations) so that isn’t so much an investment as my current runway. Since I don’t think any ETF will get online until Summer at the earliest, and my runway isn’t that long, I doubt that I’ll make much money off the rise. Assuming I keep getting donations, it’ll be just a few months float at the most.