Generally speaking, yeah it helps. You’ll still have to face trivial inconveniences and so on, but it’s useful.
Problem is, I find it very hard to find people who a) I can comfortably share an environment with, b) are interested in the same things as me (individual topics, easy—multiple ones, hard) and c) are actually anywhere near me. This might be easier if I lived near a bigger city (working on that, though I found it very hard even at a large university in Berlin). I’m skeptical however, as most of my “role models” in the fields I’m interested in were on the hermit side of the social spectrum. It seems to me that learning all the necessary skills and attitude changes to become more social (and benefit from it) is itself a major project and I’ll be better off if I instead invest my resources directly in the stuff I want. I’m on the look-out for cheap experiments, though.
The best compromise I found is working on trains. For some reason, that works almost as well, nobody bothers me and it’s not deafening silent like a library.
Generally speaking, yeah it helps. You’ll still have to face trivial inconveniences and so on, but it’s useful.
Problem is, I find it very hard to find people who a) I can comfortably share an environment with, b) are interested in the same things as me (individual topics, easy—multiple ones, hard) and c) are actually anywhere near me. This might be easier if I lived near a bigger city (working on that, though I found it very hard even at a large university in Berlin). I’m skeptical however, as most of my “role models” in the fields I’m interested in were on the hermit side of the social spectrum. It seems to me that learning all the necessary skills and attitude changes to become more social (and benefit from it) is itself a major project and I’ll be better off if I instead invest my resources directly in the stuff I want. I’m on the look-out for cheap experiments, though.
The best compromise I found is working on trains. For some reason, that works almost as well, nobody bothers me and it’s not deafening silent like a library.
How about cafes?