OTOH, the surge of bipolar diagnoses, esp. self-diagnoses, suggests it’s overdiagnosed. How would you test? (This is a matter of some interest to me as well.)
Firstly by understanding that psychology is not physics—and there are no definitive tests. This is an area where probabilities are the way to go.
If a person complains of regular mood swings of a long period of time—where for three months they are in an intense depression, then for three months they are literally manic—crazy busy and euphoric, working like mad on crazy new projects and speaking at a million miles an hour.
That would be a high probability of being classic type 2 bipolar.
note that I picked the period of “three months” at random, mood-period is highly individual and can range from a year to a few weeks.
If the depressions are suicidal (ie has to go on suicide watch) and the manias are accompanied by delusions of grandeur, then the probability of type 1 is raised. This often results in being “sectioned” (ie, been taken to a mental health facility to recover)
I’ve never heard of a Type 1 bipolar that has not been sectioned at least once… and usually repeatedly.
Both of the above “types” are fairly easy to diagnose. You can’t miss those symptoms—though the patient themself may not recognise them for what they are. Mania (especially hypomania) “feels like” being happy and busy and efficient and on top of the world. Depression “feels like” the world really is shit and everything you do just isn’t worthwhile. It often takes an outside perspective to point out that actually—the world is no different from what it was last month.
However—neither of the above “types” sounds like what muflax has. I raised the possibility, because a) bipolar starts small and gets bigger as you get older (and muflax is not old enough yet to know for sure). and b) there is a third, less-severe type that may well be over-diagnosed because it’s more difficult to pick out from the background noise.
but if you’ve seen and spent time with a type 1 or 2 bipolar person—you recognise the symptoms. Mood swings that are like a rising/falling tide with a regular rhythm, what muflux reports sounds like what mild bipolar feels like from the inside: periods of depression-like symptoms (including apathy) followed by a period of crazy-busy, happy-to-do-lots of projects.
Obviously this is not a convincing diagnosis… it just raises the probability of it being so. and thus my recommendation to go see a professional who will have an outside perspective and is experienced enough to be able to tell whether it really is, or not.
I agree that the problem with self-diagnosis is extremely bad atm. That’s why a professional, outside opinion is a Good Idea.
Possibly you’d take a good selection of people whom health professionals have proposed may be suffering from bipolar disorder, and randomly select for patients to either be treated for bipolar disorder, or for doctors to pursue an alternate explanation for the victim’s symptoms (such as regular depression or attention deficit disorder—the latter of which has been proposed to be responsible for the vast majority of “bipolar disorder cases” in children). Although this is a pretty sketchy concept. The alternative is for the other group to not be treated at all, but the ethics thereof are even more questionable.
Moreover, by “not treated at all” you merely mean “not treated with specialized medication for bipolar disorder”. Throwing lots of stuff (talk therapy, catch-all medication, support groups, random tricks and environment changes) at the problem until one sticks can work. I’m also rather skeptical of professionals—they have experience, sometimes permission to prescribe stuff, but they don’t seem to be all that awesomer than, say, a specialized IRC channel.
OTOH, the surge of bipolar diagnoses, esp. self-diagnoses, suggests it’s overdiagnosed. How would you test? (This is a matter of some interest to me as well.)
Firstly by understanding that psychology is not physics—and there are no definitive tests. This is an area where probabilities are the way to go.
If a person complains of regular mood swings of a long period of time—where for three months they are in an intense depression, then for three months they are literally manic—crazy busy and euphoric, working like mad on crazy new projects and speaking at a million miles an hour.
That would be a high probability of being classic type 2 bipolar. note that I picked the period of “three months” at random, mood-period is highly individual and can range from a year to a few weeks.
If the depressions are suicidal (ie has to go on suicide watch) and the manias are accompanied by delusions of grandeur, then the probability of type 1 is raised. This often results in being “sectioned” (ie, been taken to a mental health facility to recover)
I’ve never heard of a Type 1 bipolar that has not been sectioned at least once… and usually repeatedly.
Both of the above “types” are fairly easy to diagnose. You can’t miss those symptoms—though the patient themself may not recognise them for what they are. Mania (especially hypomania) “feels like” being happy and busy and efficient and on top of the world. Depression “feels like” the world really is shit and everything you do just isn’t worthwhile. It often takes an outside perspective to point out that actually—the world is no different from what it was last month.
However—neither of the above “types” sounds like what muflax has. I raised the possibility, because a) bipolar starts small and gets bigger as you get older (and muflax is not old enough yet to know for sure). and b) there is a third, less-severe type that may well be over-diagnosed because it’s more difficult to pick out from the background noise.
but if you’ve seen and spent time with a type 1 or 2 bipolar person—you recognise the symptoms. Mood swings that are like a rising/falling tide with a regular rhythm, what muflux reports sounds like what mild bipolar feels like from the inside: periods of depression-like symptoms (including apathy) followed by a period of crazy-busy, happy-to-do-lots of projects.
Obviously this is not a convincing diagnosis… it just raises the probability of it being so. and thus my recommendation to go see a professional who will have an outside perspective and is experienced enough to be able to tell whether it really is, or not.
I agree that the problem with self-diagnosis is extremely bad atm. That’s why a professional, outside opinion is a Good Idea.
Possibly you’d take a good selection of people whom health professionals have proposed may be suffering from bipolar disorder, and randomly select for patients to either be treated for bipolar disorder, or for doctors to pursue an alternate explanation for the victim’s symptoms (such as regular depression or attention deficit disorder—the latter of which has been proposed to be responsible for the vast majority of “bipolar disorder cases” in children). Although this is a pretty sketchy concept. The alternative is for the other group to not be treated at all, but the ethics thereof are even more questionable.
I take offense to “having control groups is unethical”.
Moreover, by “not treated at all” you merely mean “not treated with specialized medication for bipolar disorder”. Throwing lots of stuff (talk therapy, catch-all medication, support groups, random tricks and environment changes) at the problem until one sticks can work. I’m also rather skeptical of professionals—they have experience, sometimes permission to prescribe stuff, but they don’t seem to be all that awesomer than, say, a specialized IRC channel.