The last Megameetup was held when the DC and Cambridge groups both wanted to visit New York. It’s a nice average between DC And Cambridge, and other groups didn’t respond to the previous thread. On top of that, Geoff has a large venue that he’s willing to let us use for free.
If more Southern groups bring it up, there’s a chance of it being held in the South, but you guys might need to organize it in your own. I’m happy to help.
The last Megameetup was held when the DC and Cambridge groups both wanted to visit New York. It’s a nice average between DC And Cambridge, and other groups didn’t respond to the previous thread. On top of that, Geoff has a large venue that he’s willing to let us use for free.
If more Southern groups bring it up, there’s a chance of it being held in the South, but you guys might need to organize it in your own. I’m happy to help.