I agree that the evidence around psychedelics for treatment-resistant depression is slim & preliminary. The effect sizes in Carhart-Harris et al. 2016 are very large, so I’m optimistic that a sizeable (though smaller) effect will occur in larger studies.
Sometimes temporary isn’t bad—if temporarily having your depression lifted allows you to access insights that you can carry forward into the rest of your life.
The mechanism I’m most excited about re: psychedelics for depression is a high-dose psychedelic experience functioning as a catalyst for other behavior & worldview changes which, when taken all together, lead people out of their depression.
Thanks for the great comment :-)
I agree that the evidence around psychedelics for treatment-resistant depression is slim & preliminary. The effect sizes in Carhart-Harris et al. 2016 are very large, so I’m optimistic that a sizeable (though smaller) effect will occur in larger studies.
The mechanism I’m most excited about re: psychedelics for depression is a high-dose psychedelic experience functioning as a catalyst for other behavior & worldview changes which, when taken all together, lead people out of their depression.