These are very cool results. But please, the big cat in the demo image is a leopard, not a tiger. It’s clear that even the SAE feature space knows this, because the images generated are never striped (as tigers always are), and are instead either spotted (as most leopards are) or all black (which is not uncommon in leopards, Wikipedia claims 11% and I expect them to be over-represented in image databases; while even so-called “black” tigers still only have very broad, partially merged black stripes with some light color between).
These are very cool results. But please, the big cat in the demo image is a leopard, not a tiger. It’s clear that even the SAE feature space knows this, because the images generated are never striped (as tigers always are), and are instead either spotted (as most leopards are) or all black (which is not uncommon in leopards, Wikipedia claims 11% and I expect them to be over-represented in image databases; while even so-called “black” tigers still only have very broad, partially merged black stripes with some light color between).
That’s embarassing—clearly, I need more pretraining. Thanks!