One thing I have observed about people who are better programmers than me is that many play musical instruments. (I don’t.) I have no idea what sort of causal structure is involved here.
Learn off-sequence math: logic puzzles, geometric constructions, number theory (primes, modular arithmetic) that are not represented in the standard school math sequence.
Learn something of electronics, digital logic, etc.
Use different languages: maybe Python and Pygame for animations and games, and HTML and JavaScript for web pages. Don’t allow the idea to develop that there is one “normal” way for code to look, e.g. “normal languages have curly braces; ones that don’t are gratuitously weird.”
One thing I have observed about people who are better programmers than me is that many play musical instruments. (I don’t.) I have no idea what sort of causal structure is involved here.
Learn off-sequence math: logic puzzles, geometric constructions, number theory (primes, modular arithmetic) that are not represented in the standard school math sequence.
Learn something of electronics, digital logic, etc.
Use different languages: maybe Python and Pygame for animations and games, and HTML and JavaScript for web pages. Don’t allow the idea to develop that there is one “normal” way for code to look, e.g. “normal languages have curly braces; ones that don’t are gratuitously weird.”