A series of free online lectures, combined with a schedule, quizzes, assignments, official forums/community (with which the professors interact), graded assignments (including programming assignments where appropriate) and sometimes exams.
I’m guessing some form of online education, presumably a level above Khan Academy’s videos (not implying anything negative about Khan Academy)?
Yes. The original AI classe was inspired by Khan Academy, and that in turn caught the attention of the professors doing the DB and ML class.
Is there personal interaction with the professor?
The professors answer upvoted questions in videos or written responses.
Are there assignments and or grades?
Yes there are assignments. There are homework’s that are graded and some classes have midterm and final exams. The latter two are measured to see how well you do in the class, when (if?) you receive your certificate of completion (which is not by default accredited, it is just a written statement from the professors not Stanford) it states your percentile.
How much time would an average class on XFrequentist’s list take compared to an in-person class at a relatively good American university?
The original AI class was aiming for the same difficulty as the Stanford class. Due to various logistical reason they couldn’t really pull it off. The classes are in my opinion less intensive but still at least freshman uni class level.
And finally, the most important question, at least for me: Do they accept anyone who signs up?
Yes, it is open to everyone. That’s why you get sign up numbers in the 10,000s or even 100,000s.
A series of free online lectures, combined with a schedule, quizzes, assignments, official forums/community (with which the professors interact), graded assignments (including programming assignments where appropriate) and sometimes exams.
Yes. The original AI classe was inspired by Khan Academy, and that in turn caught the attention of the professors doing the DB and ML class.
The professors answer upvoted questions in videos or written responses.
Yes there are assignments. There are homework’s that are graded and some classes have midterm and final exams. The latter two are measured to see how well you do in the class, when (if?) you receive your certificate of completion (which is not by default accredited, it is just a written statement from the professors not Stanford) it states your percentile.
The original AI class was aiming for the same difficulty as the Stanford class. Due to various logistical reason they couldn’t really pull it off. The classes are in my opinion less intensive but still at least freshman uni class level.
Yes, it is open to everyone. That’s why you get sign up numbers in the 10,000s or even 100,000s.
Thank you for an extremely informative response!