No, at least, not in an automated way without plugins, and not that I can recall seeing on any Wordpress blog I’ve visited. And I don’t think I’d want one for my own Wordpress blog; comments there fall very neatly into two categories, “legitimate comments that I want to keep” and “spam by automated web crawlers that I want to obliterate without a trace”. I wouldn’t want a public moderation log if that log was just going to be a list of spam links.
No, at least, not in an automated way without plugins, and not that I can recall seeing on any Wordpress blog I’ve visited. And I don’t think I’d want one for my own Wordpress blog; comments there fall very neatly into two categories, “legitimate comments that I want to keep” and “spam by automated web crawlers that I want to obliterate without a trace”. I wouldn’t want a public moderation log if that log was just going to be a list of spam links.