When people make purchasing decisions, pricing models that are too complex make them less likely to purchase. If it’s too confusing to figure out whether something is a good deal or not, we generally tend to just assume it’s a bad deal. See
http://ideas.repec.org/p/ags/ualbsp/24093.html (Choice Environment, Market Complexity and Consumer Behavior: A Theoretical and Empirical Approach for Incorporating Decision Complexity into Models of Consumer Choice), for example.
When people make purchasing decisions, pricing models that are too complex make them less likely to purchase. If it’s too confusing to figure out whether something is a good deal or not, we generally tend to just assume it’s a bad deal. See http://ideas.repec.org/p/ags/ualbsp/24093.html (Choice Environment, Market Complexity and Consumer Behavior: A Theoretical and Empirical Approach for Incorporating Decision Complexity into Models of Consumer Choice), for example.