I think accomplishments are a better measure (quality over quantity obviously)
I once came third in a marathon. How smart am I? If I increase my mileage to a level that would be required for me to come first would that make me smarter? Does the same apply when I’m trying to walk in 40 years?
ETA: I thought I cancelled this one. Nevermind, I stand by my point. Achievement is the best predictor of future achievement. It isn’t a particularly good measure of intelligence. Achievement shows far more about what kind of things someone is inclined to achieve (and signal) as well as how well they are able to motivate themselves than it does about intelligence (see, for example, every second page here). Accomplishments are better measures than IQ, but they are not a measure of intelligence at all.
I once came third in a marathon. How smart am I? If I increase my mileage to a level that would be required for me to come first would that make me smarter? Does the same apply when I’m trying to walk in 40 years?
ETA: I thought I cancelled this one. Nevermind, I stand by my point. Achievement is the best predictor of future achievement. It isn’t a particularly good measure of intelligence. Achievement shows far more about what kind of things someone is inclined to achieve (and signal) as well as how well they are able to motivate themselves than it does about intelligence (see, for example, every second page here). Accomplishments are better measures than IQ, but they are not a measure of intelligence at all.