Meaning any sufficiently rational mind will recognize it as such. The fact that not every human is in fact compassionate says more about their rationality (and of course their unwillingness to consider the arguments :-) ) than about that claim. That’s why it is call ASPD—the D standing for ‘disorder’, it is an aberration, not helpful, not ‘fit’.
APSD is only unfit in our current context. Would Stone Age psychiatrists have recognized it as an issue? Or as a positive trait good for warring against other tribes and climbing the totem pole? In other situations, compassion is merely an extra expense. (As Thrasymachus asked thousands of years ago: how can a just man do better than an injust man, when the injust man can act justly when it is optimal and injustly when that is optimal?)
Why would a recursively-improving AI which is single-mindedly pursuing an optimization goal permit other AIs to exist & threaten it? There is nothing they can offer it that it couldn’t do itself. This is true in both slow and fast takeoffs; cooperation only makes sense if there is a low ceiling for AI capability so that there are utility-maximizing projects beyond an AI’s ability to do alone then or in the future.
And ‘sufficiently rational’ is dangerous to throw around. It’s a fully general argument: ‘any sufficiently rational mind will recognize that Islam is the one true religion; that not every human is Muslim says more about their rationality than about the claims is Islam. That’s why our Muslim psychiatrists call it UD—Unbeliever Disorder, it is an aberration, not helpful, not ‘fit’. Surely the fact that some human are born kafir doesn’t invalidate the fact that Muslim people have a tremendous advantage over the kafir in the afterlife? ‘There is one God and Muhammed is his prophet’ is certainly less obvious than seeing being better superior to blindness, though.′
APSD is only unfit in our current context. Would Stone Age psychiatrists have recognized it as an issue? Or as a positive trait good for warring against other tribes and climbing the totem pole? In other situations, compassion is merely an extra expense. (As Thrasymachus asked thousands of years ago: how can a just man do better than an injust man, when the injust man can act justly when it is optimal and injustly when that is optimal?)
Why would a recursively-improving AI which is single-mindedly pursuing an optimization goal permit other AIs to exist & threaten it? There is nothing they can offer it that it couldn’t do itself. This is true in both slow and fast takeoffs; cooperation only makes sense if there is a low ceiling for AI capability so that there are utility-maximizing projects beyond an AI’s ability to do alone then or in the future.
And ‘sufficiently rational’ is dangerous to throw around. It’s a fully general argument: ‘any sufficiently rational mind will recognize that Islam is the one true religion; that not every human is Muslim says more about their rationality than about the claims is Islam. That’s why our Muslim psychiatrists call it UD—Unbeliever Disorder, it is an aberration, not helpful, not ‘fit’. Surely the fact that some human are born kafir doesn’t invalidate the fact that Muslim people have a tremendous advantage over the kafir in the afterlife? ‘There is one God and Muhammed is his prophet’ is certainly less obvious than seeing being better superior to blindness, though.′