If this happened to me, I would assume that Facebook is simply lying. That their strategy is to make me feel good about having increased visibility, then make me feel bad about no longer having it, with the idea that I would try to get my good feeling back by buying some ads.
Once I made a Facebook page for a game I was developing. Then I abandoned the game… but didn’t delete the page, so it stayed there for ten years, empty, with zero activity. At certain period, Facebook started giving me notifications “someone is viewing your page right now” with suspicious regularity: once per day, always about 10 minutes after I logged in to Facebook (I was logging in at random times). I assumed that that the notifications were made up, because of the suspicious regularity. Of course, I had no way to verify this. Any values that Facebook gives you (other than clicks on outgoing links) are unverifiable.
If this happened to me, I would assume that Facebook is simply lying. That their strategy is to make me feel good about having increased visibility, then make me feel bad about no longer having it, with the idea that I would try to get my good feeling back by buying some ads.
Once I made a Facebook page for a game I was developing. Then I abandoned the game… but didn’t delete the page, so it stayed there for ten years, empty, with zero activity. At certain period, Facebook started giving me notifications “someone is viewing your page right now” with suspicious regularity: once per day, always about 10 minutes after I logged in to Facebook (I was logging in at random times). I assumed that that the notifications were made up, because of the suspicious regularity. Of course, I had no way to verify this. Any values that Facebook gives you (other than clicks on outgoing links) are unverifiable.