Only the first is the important one. The third one is a Telegram channel, would make sense only if you use Telegram. The actionable parts are to check the list of diseases and injuries that may apply to you and would make you exempt from mobilization, and to memorize the phone number in case you might need it and not have an internet at your disposal. (I have heard that they take the phones away from conscripts. In which case, the number is also useless, but perhaps you might find another phone.)
Only the first is the important one. The third one is a Telegram channel, would make sense only if you use Telegram. The actionable parts are to check the list of diseases and injuries that may apply to you and would make you exempt from mobilization, and to memorize the phone number in case you might need it and not have an internet at your disposal. (I have heard that they take the phones away from conscripts. In which case, the number is also useless, but perhaps you might find another phone.)
At this point, discussing my ideas or ways to share them would be more useful for me.
I would like to have a chance to explain/defend them. To defend what I thought and cared about.
“Staying safe” haven’t worked that well so far. The list of diseases is a very tiny hope (even though I may’ve underestimated it).