When faced with any choice, I’d try and figure out my most promising options, then trace them out into their different probable futures, being sure to include such factors as an action’s psychological effect on the agent. Then I’d evaluate how much I prefer these futures, acknowledging that I privilege my own future (and the futures of people I’m close to) above others (but not unconditionally), and taking care not to be shortsighted. Then I’d try to choose what seems best under those criteria, applied as rationally as I’m capable of.
You know, the sort of thing that we all do anyway, but often without letting our conscious minds realize it, and thus often with some characteristic errors mixed in.
What would I do?
When faced with any choice, I’d try and figure out my most promising options, then trace them out into their different probable futures, being sure to include such factors as an action’s psychological effect on the agent. Then I’d evaluate how much I prefer these futures, acknowledging that I privilege my own future (and the futures of people I’m close to) above others (but not unconditionally), and taking care not to be shortsighted. Then I’d try to choose what seems best under those criteria, applied as rationally as I’m capable of.
You know, the sort of thing that we all do anyway, but often without letting our conscious minds realize it, and thus often with some characteristic errors mixed in.