I have an intuition that any system that can be modeled as a committee of subagents can also be modeled as an agent with Knightian uncertainty over its utility function. This goal uncertainty might even arise from uncertainty about the world.
This is similar to how in Infrabayesianism an agent with Knightian uncertainty over parts of the world is modeled as having a set of probability distributions with an infimum aggregation rule.
I have an intuition that any system that can be modeled as a committee of subagents can also be modeled as an agent with Knightian uncertainty over its utility function. This goal uncertainty might even arise from uncertainty about the world.
This is similar to how in Infrabayesianism an agent with Knightian uncertainty over parts of the world is modeled as having a set of probability distributions with an infimum aggregation rule.
These might be of interest, if you haven’t seen them already:
Bewley, T. F. (2002). Knightian decision theory. Part I. Decisions in economics and finance, 25, 79-110.
Aumann, R. J. (1962). Utility theory without the completeness axiom. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 445-462.