In addition to what MixedNuts said, the question I was raising was whether this was a feminist position. To the extent that it is, I’d like to know whether it is from the methodologically incorrect branch (represented in this discussion by Mary Daly) or the methodologically more correct branch (represented by Andrea Dworkin).
It would surprise me to hear that Dworkin has asserted that men can’t be raped—and if I heard it, I’d need to re-examine whether her arguments about the social effect of porn are valid (even if she’s right, there are knock-on concerns that weigh against censorship).
More generally, conflating Daly and Dworkin is like conflating Stephen J. Gould and Stephen Pinker.
I think I saw a comment subthread on The Good Men Project along the lines “What’s it matter whether it’s a man who has sex with a woman too drunk to consent [or something like that] or the other way round?” “The woman can get pregnant, etc., etc.” “Wow, that’s some serious Dworkin you’re channeling”, but I can’t find it right now, so I might have dreamt it or something.
In addition to what MixedNuts said, the question I was raising was whether this was a feminist position. To the extent that it is, I’d like to know whether it is from the methodologically incorrect branch (represented in this discussion by Mary Daly) or the methodologically more correct branch (represented by Andrea Dworkin).
It would surprise me to hear that Dworkin has asserted that men can’t be raped—and if I heard it, I’d need to re-examine whether her arguments about the social effect of porn are valid (even if she’s right, there are knock-on concerns that weigh against censorship).
More generally, conflating Daly and Dworkin is like conflating Stephen J. Gould and Stephen Pinker.
I think I saw a comment subthread on The Good Men Project along the lines “What’s it matter whether it’s a man who has sex with a woman too drunk to consent [or something like that] or the other way round?” “The woman can get pregnant, etc., etc.” “Wow, that’s some serious Dworkin you’re channeling”, but I can’t find it right now, so I might have dreamt it or something.