I’m not against distributions in general. I’m just saying that conditional on MWI there is no uncertainty about quantum outcomes—they all happen.
if you prepared a billlion such qubits in a lab and measured them all, the number of 0s would be in the vicinity of 360 million with virtual certainty.
But that’s not what the (interpretation of the) equations say(s). The equations say that all sequences of 0s and 1s exist and you will observe all of them.
it’ll end up either in epistemic probabilities that concord with long-run empirical frequencies
They only concord with long-run empirical frequencies in regions of configuration space with high Born measure. They don’t concord with, for example, average frequencies across all observers of the experiment.
For instance, if I find an atom with a 1m half-life and announce to the world that I’ll blow up the moon when it decays, and you care about the moon enough to take a ten-minute Uber to my secret base but aren’t sure whether you should pay extra for a seven-minute express ride, the optimal decision requires determining whether the extent to which riding express decreases my probability of destroying the moon is, when multiplied by your valuation of the moon, enough to compensate for the cost of express.
The point is there is no (quantum-related) uncertainty about moon being destroyed—it will be destroyed and also will be saved. My actions then should depend on how I count/weight moons across configuration space. And that choice of weights depends on arbitrary preferences. I may as well stop caring about the moon after two days.
I’m not against distributions in general. I’m just saying that conditional on MWI there is no uncertainty about quantum outcomes—they all happen.
But that’s not what the (interpretation of the) equations say(s). The equations say that all sequences of 0s and 1s exist and you will observe all of them.
They only concord with long-run empirical frequencies in regions of configuration space with high Born measure. They don’t concord with, for example, average frequencies across all observers of the experiment.
The point is there is no (quantum-related) uncertainty about moon being destroyed—it will be destroyed and also will be saved. My actions then should depend on how I count/weight moons across configuration space. And that choice of weights depends on arbitrary preferences. I may as well stop caring about the moon after two days.