Hopefully Anon, I can’t imagine what great status or survival advantages you think I’m going to get by posting here. If I was interested in advancing my status I’d pick better activities than flaming pseudonymously on blogs, you may be sure.
But in a way you are right, but trivially. Presumably everybody who posts here or otherwise engages in human communication has, at some level, an underlying motive of increasing their status. Everybody hopes to make themselves look good. I don’t see how my postings differ from anybody else’s in this regard.
Hopefully Anon, I can’t imagine what great status or survival advantages you think I’m going to get by posting here. If I was interested in advancing my status I’d pick better activities than flaming pseudonymously on blogs, you may be sure.
But in a way you are right, but trivially. Presumably everybody who posts here or otherwise engages in human communication has, at some level, an underlying motive of increasing their status. Everybody hopes to make themselves look good. I don’t see how my postings differ from anybody else’s in this regard.