It was once thought that adoring cats caused one to get tortured. However, a recent medical study has come out, showing that most cat adorers have a certain gene, ACGT, and that whether someone has the gene or not, their chances of getting tortured go down if they adore cats. The strong correlation between adoring cats and getting tortured is because of a third factor, ACGT, that leads to both.
Having learned of this new study, would you choose to adore cats?
Actually, that toxoplasmosis thing is the only happiness-creating-preference-inducing, negative-side-effect disease I actually know that really works for Solomon’s Problem. You can either pet cute kittens already tested and guaranteed not to have toxoplasmosis, or refrain. This ought to be our go-to real-life example against EDT!
I don’t think I have a choice really, I already do adore cats. Is that an actual study btw? If it is, I’m gonna cheat by getting a scientist to scan my dna and tell me if I have it.
We can’t have both?
Not at the same time, I hope.
Every time you take box A and box B from Omega, Omicron tortures a kitten.
It was once thought that adoring cats caused one to get tortured. However, a recent medical study has come out, showing that most cat adorers have a certain gene, ACGT, and that whether someone has the gene or not, their chances of getting tortured go down if they adore cats. The strong correlation between adoring cats and getting tortured is because of a third factor, ACGT, that leads to both.
Having learned of this new study, would you choose to adore cats?
Or, indeed, should I choose not to adore cats because it might be evidence I had toxoplasmosis?
Actually, that toxoplasmosis thing is the only happiness-creating-preference-inducing, negative-side-effect disease I actually know that really works for Solomon’s Problem. You can either pet cute kittens already tested and guaranteed not to have toxoplasmosis, or refrain. This ought to be our go-to real-life example against EDT!
You guys deliberately chose examples so that acronyms are entirely made up of letters also used for nucleotides, didn’t you?
I don’t think I have a choice really, I already do adore cats. Is that an actual study btw? If it is, I’m gonna cheat by getting a scientist to scan my dna and tell me if I have it.
Probably not.
Then you are mistaken about human psychology. You definitely have a choice about whether you will adore cats, it is simply one that requires action.
I hope you don’t imagine it’s an innocent kitten, though. Because even hypothetically speaking, it’s not. Eet ees an evil keeten.
Actually, whenever you two-box, my friend Clive puts his cat Omicron into Box A.
Yes, he has a cat called Omicron, and he does normally go around with axioms of set theory on his t-shirt.
Every time you exclude A, alphabeta tortures 3^^^3 people with dust specks.