Regarding “Puzzle beig over me”, Vervaeke emphasises that puzzles are not mysteries. I think he is also getting to something extra with the numinous. It is weird to me as understanding Din, Nayru and Fafore as part of the triforce or the feud between Chattur’gha, Ulyaoth and Xel’lotath, yeah it might be interesting and there might not be a lot of head way, but it doesn’t at face value seem to have the personal bespokedness than the trinity approach despite on theme level being essentially the same or aspects of the same meme-complex. If I don’t ever discover what Twin Peaks was about sure it is is mystery but not a world-view affecting one. There seems to be some attempt at some sort of distinction which trinity has but triforce has not, but it doesn’t really materialise at the same level as the other concepts do.
Regarding “Puzzle beig over me”, Vervaeke emphasises that puzzles are not mysteries. I think he is also getting to something extra with the numinous. It is weird to me as understanding Din, Nayru and Fafore as part of the triforce or the feud between Chattur’gha, Ulyaoth and Xel’lotath, yeah it might be interesting and there might not be a lot of head way, but it doesn’t at face value seem to have the personal bespokedness than the trinity approach despite on theme level being essentially the same or aspects of the same meme-complex. If I don’t ever discover what Twin Peaks was about sure it is is mystery but not a world-view affecting one. There seems to be some attempt at some sort of distinction which trinity has but triforce has not, but it doesn’t really materialise at the same level as the other concepts do.