Nietzsche said that after Man killed God*, the angels in their grief carried on trying to worship God—they didn’t know what else to do. That’s how non-religious Western spirituality seems to me. On the one hand, many people** find the idea of a personal God to be incompatible with science—it is impossible to reconcile the Beatitudes with the Red Queen’s Race. The trouble is that ideas like “all men are created equal and endowed with inalienable rights” and “the moral arc of the universe bends toward justice” are load-bearing parts of our culture but these ideas are based on theology and make no sense at all once that foundation has crumbled.
Fortunately, we have one saving grace***. Most people are not greatly bothered by these contradictions. Human thoughtlessness FTW.
Nietzsche said that after Man killed God*, the angels in their grief carried on trying to worship God—they didn’t know what else to do. That’s how non-religious Western spirituality seems to me. On the one hand, many people** find the idea of a personal God to be incompatible with science—it is impossible to reconcile the Beatitudes with the Red Queen’s Race. The trouble is that ideas like “all men are created equal and endowed with inalienable rights” and “the moral arc of the universe bends toward justice” are load-bearing parts of our culture but these ideas are based on theology and make no sense at all once that foundation has crumbled.
Fortunately, we have one saving grace***. Most people are not greatly bothered by these contradictions. Human thoughtlessness FTW.
*by rendering God implausible
** including me
*** so to speak