Review about the Rationality Meetup in Vienna on 19.07.2014:
People who were there:
Marko Thiel, Heinrich, Erik Unger, Monika, Andreas, Matthias Brandner, Peter Mühlbacher, Viliam Búr, Axel, Ivan , Manuel Moertelmaier, Anna Leptikon, Andreas Villarreal, Tom Madl, Marianna, Lio Kaufman
We tried the “open microphone” idea by Manuel the first time (which means: we collect topics people have to offer in the beginning, vote which ones we want to hear and every speaker gets 30 minutes—discussion included—for his topic)
Donclusion: more information density and variety—so it’s a great idea and we should do it more often, but there also is a need for meet ups with just one topic (it’s more relaxed and some topics just can’t be discussed and explained in 30 minutes)
Our (official) topics on Saturday were:
evolutionary economics by Lio
review of the London LW Meetup (I was there for a trip) + introduction for “Superintelligence” by me
We didn’t have time (officially) for the topics: absolute morality, antitheism, debating, Esperanto and money creation (but I think it was discussed later anyways, some will follow the next meetups)
Review about the Rationality Meetup in Vienna on 19.07.2014:
People who were there: Marko Thiel, Heinrich, Erik Unger, Monika, Andreas, Matthias Brandner, Peter Mühlbacher, Viliam Búr, Axel, Ivan , Manuel Moertelmaier, Anna Leptikon, Andreas Villarreal, Tom Madl, Marianna, Lio Kaufman
We tried the “open microphone” idea by Manuel the first time (which means: we collect topics people have to offer in the beginning, vote which ones we want to hear and every speaker gets 30 minutes—discussion included—for his topic) Donclusion: more information density and variety—so it’s a great idea and we should do it more often, but there also is a need for meet ups with just one topic (it’s more relaxed and some topics just can’t be discussed and explained in 30 minutes)
Our (official) topics on Saturday were:
evolutionary economics by Lio
review of the London LW Meetup (I was there for a trip) + introduction for “Superintelligence” by me
the most rational search for a perfect (? ;) ) partner by me (here a summary:
why you should never feel guilt by Heinrich
We didn’t have time (officially) for the topics: absolute morality, antitheism, debating, Esperanto and money creation (but I think it was discussed later anyways, some will follow the next meetups)