Thanks, but the kind of thing you described will just make me less inclined to write at all. I think I tend to really strongly associate people with their name; like I don’t give anyone nicknames automatically, or something? So having to find fitting nicknames just feels like a huge amount of extra work. Does that ever happen to you? ^_^
I just gave up and started writing (on paper) using real first names under the assumption that most people wouldn’t care anyway. I guess I’ll see how that goes. ^_^
Thanks, but the kind of thing you described will just make me less inclined to write at all. I think I tend to really strongly associate people with their name; like I don’t give anyone nicknames automatically, or something? So having to find fitting nicknames just feels like a huge amount of extra work. Does that ever happen to you? ^_^
I just gave up and started writing (on paper) using real first names under the assumption that most people wouldn’t care anyway. I guess I’ll see how that goes. ^_^