Why in the name of the mighty Cthulhu should people on LW read the sequences? To avoid discussing the same things again and again, so that we can move to the next step.
That is one of the central fallacies of LW. The Sequnces generally don’t settle issues in a step-by-step way. They are made
up of postings, each of which is followed by a discussion often containing a lot of “I don’t see what you mean” and “I think that is wrong because”. The stepwise model may be attractive, but that doesn’t make it feasible. Science isn’t that linear, and most of the topics dealt with are philosophy...nuff said.
That is one of the central fallacies of LW. The Sequnces generally don’t settle issues in a step-by-step way. They are made up of postings, each of which is followed by a discussion often containing a lot of “I don’t see what you mean” and “I think that is wrong because”. The stepwise model may be attractive, but that doesn’t make it feasible. Science isn’t that linear, and most of the topics dealt with are philosophy...nuff said.