Tetronian started the article, so it’s his fault actually, even if he’s pretty much moved here.
I have noted before that taking something seriously because it pays attention to you is not in fact a good idea. Every second that LW pays a blind bit of notice to RW is a second wasted.
See also this comment on the effects of lack of outside world feedback, and a comparison to Wikipedia (which basically didn’t get any outside attention for four or five years and is now part of the infrastructure of society, at which I still boggle).
And LW may or may not be pleased that even on RW, when someone fails logic really badly the response is often couched in LW terms. So, memetic infections ahoy! Think of RW as part of the Unpleasable Fanbase.
Every second that LW pays a blind bit of notice to RW is a second wasted.
Not really. There is content there that is not completely useless. Especially if the ‘seconds wasted’ come out of time that would have otherwise been spent on lesswrong itself.
Tetronian started the article, so it’s his fault actually, even if he’s pretty much moved here.
I have noted before that taking something seriously because it pays attention to you is not in fact a good idea. Every second that LW pays a blind bit of notice to RW is a second wasted.
See also this comment on the effects of lack of outside world feedback, and a comparison to Wikipedia (which basically didn’t get any outside attention for four or five years and is now part of the infrastructure of society, at which I still boggle).
And LW may or may not be pleased that even on RW, when someone fails logic really badly the response is often couched in LW terms. So, memetic infections ahoy! Think of RW as part of the Unpleasable Fanbase.
Memetic hazard warning!
ITYM superstimulus ;-)
Not really. There is content there that is not completely useless. Especially if the ‘seconds wasted’ come out of time that would have otherwise been spent on lesswrong itself.