(Apologies for the delay...I’ve been away working on various translations, including of the [report].)(http://knoxdnareport.wordpress.com/).
Yes, I’d take the 20% side of the bet. Shall we?
I don’t see why not.
And I agree with the autism likelihood,
I entertained it for a day or two, but I really don’t think so. There are a lot of disconfirming signs that the Time article ignores. I think it’s just a matter of pure personality and (sub)cultural mores.
(Apologies for the delay...I’ve been away working on various translations, including of the [report].)(http://knoxdnareport.wordpress.com/).
I don’t see why not.
I entertained it for a day or two, but I really don’t think so. There are a lot of disconfirming signs that the Time article ignores. I think it’s just a matter of pure personality and (sub)cultural mores.